Scented Curtain Tassels – The Best Idea Ever!- By: Hiren Modi

Description : Scented curtain tassels are available in a variety of colors and scents, all designed to blend smoothly into your home and lifestyle. For starters, choose your tassel color: Burgundy, Chocolate Blue, Ivory, Rust, Olive, Mahagony – a sampling of some of the colors available.

And scents? Try a scented tassel of Citrus Blast. An energizing scent that will help you wake up in the morning, refresh you mid-day and keep you going before your evening out. This scented curtain tassel smells great anytime!

Or try Ocean Breeze on your scented tassels. For a clean, outdoor, alive scent, it will re-connect your sense of self to Nature, calm those frazzled nerves and walk you to a place of peace and calm. Imagine living with this every day!

Many people like to choose Ocean Breeze on your scented tassels. The smell of fresh ocean breeze brings up wonderful feelings of nature, innocence and freedom. Therefore, if you are planning a get together with a group of your friends and family or someone special for you, one way to help make the occasion memorable is to use a Ocean Breeze scented With the scent of Ocean Breeze connected to your special event, it will be make a attractive impression.

The smell of fresh Ocean Breeze can create many memorable memories for your houseguests or help them create new ones. The memory is closely linked to the sense of smell and, therefore, smelling certain scents will bring back memories to certain events. With the scent of Ocean Breeze in the air, your guests will be sure to remember the time they spent at your special event.

Don’t forget to try a scented tassel of Vanilla Spice! You know that great smell of baking cookies? A tassel scented with Vanilla Spice has the same effect. And don’t forget to hang one by your front door so your guests experience the best first impression of your home.

There’s nothing like the remarkable feeling you experience from pulling a scented curtain tassel out of its beautiful packaging. Lifting the flap releases the scent . . . then you grasp the braided hanger cord and pull the tassel gently out . . . and remember the excitement of opening a really wonderful present! Lots of folks say it’s the little things in life.

Still not convinced scented tassels are the best thing since sliced bread? Okay, that’s because you haven’t actually seen one. Scented tassels are four inches long and available with several different finishing. Some are finished simply with braided cording. Others have coordinating beads hanging with the tassels. Others seem to sparkle from tiny beads peeking out. Some scented curtain tassels are embellished with matching ribbons and beads.

If it really is the little things that make life, then you really must scatter scented tassels through your life. All around your house, in the car, at the office and wrapped for any gift-giving occasion.

Enjoy the little things. Scented tassels and you.

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Many people like to choose curtain rods and window coverings to help them achieve privacy and feel safe. Additionally, numerous models of home decor items like curtain tassels and decorative pillows for your home or restaurant.